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Four Free Ways to Spruce Up Your Space

Ready to mix things up? Keep reading for four free ways to spruce up your space…

Have you watched and re-watched everything on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime? 

Read every book, magazine and cereal box in your house? 

Have you had your fill of banana-flavored baked goods?  

Not in the mood to work on your novel? 

Then today’s blog is for you!

It’s totally normal to feel stir crazy in these strange times—you are not alone in that, at least. But we have good news! To give your brain the hit of dopamine it needs this week, we have some ideas to help you make your space, however big or small, look new and exciting. The best part is, you don’t have to spend a dime to bring some novelty back in your life. 

Bring the outside in.

What you’ll need: A pair of pruning shears, a vase, and water

Take a pair of pruning shears outside to collect clippings of plants in your garden or yard, and then put them in your favorite vase. Greenery makes your house look amazing and refreshed, especially if you can get your hands on some really tall stems! Go for the branches of a tree that has particularly pretty green leaves. Put them in a large vase on your kitchen table, and we promise, you’ll smile every time you walk by them. Look here for some inspiration!

Make an art print. 

What you’ll need: A piece of paper, something to draw with, and an old picture frame

We don’t need to be artistic to create art! It can be as easy as drawing a simple shape, writing something on a piece of your kid’s drawing paper, or typing a few lines of your favorite poem. Put it in a frame you already have, and boom! Art. We love this as a family activity because your kids can do it, too, and they’ll feel extra proud when they see their newest work of art hanging on the wall. Find inspiration here, here, or here

Move something.

What you’ll need: A piece of paper, a pencil, brute strength (or a second pair of hands)

You don’t have to spend any money to make a space look fresh and different. Rearranging furniture is a great way to revitalize your home, even if you’re finding a new spot for just one or two pieces. Plus, rearranging often helps us organize and reduce clutter that’s been accumulating over years! Pro-tip: If you’re going to be rearranging an entire room, we suggest drawing a quick bird’s eye sketch of the room and planning out your moves ahead of time. When you’re done, it’s an instant mood-booster!

Add a brand new soundtrack.

What you’ll need: A music app (we like Spotify)

Everyone knows that music is a great way to evoke positive feelings, but by now, you might be tiring of the tracks you have on repeat. Time to hear something new! Think of a genre that you’ve enjoyed at a party, a restaurant or a wedding, and bring it into your home. We are loving fun, Latino playlists on Spotify like this one. Put it on when you make your coffee tomorrow morning, and see how the rest of your day leaves you a little more energized.

We hope you try these four free ways to spruce up your space… and love them! Please share any cool ideas you have for how to keep your mind busy and cheerful— we’d love to hear your thoughts and spread the love!



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